Sunday, October 21, 2007

Manic Monday/ Poetry Train

my father had altzheimer's for many years before his death. this is a short poem describing the experience from my point of view.

The Killing Frost

It crept across the mind
Freezing the synapses,
Killing the memory
Like frost on the open field
Ruining the plants
Leaving a wasteland behind.

And so, what made the man,
The interests, the intelligence,
Was gone, as if it never were,
The body an empty shell
After the mind was stripped clean
Leaving a wasteland behind.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What book are you?

so i took this quiz lol

You're Watership Down!

by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.


I got a phone call yesterday, the kind you hate to get, full of bad news and leaving you pretty much wanting to curl in a ball and cry.

I know a wonderful young man, BJ, who is eight years old, and blind as a result of a cancerous brain tumor present at birth. It's an extremely rare condition, as you can imagine. Several months ago, during his regular exam, they discovered that the brain tumor, which had been dormant for five years, had begun to grow. The decision was made to leave it alone for the time being, and monitor it closely. This was in part because the diagnosis came the same week of BJ's father's death from pancreatic cancer.

Now, however, it seems that the cancer has returned. The phone call I received yesterday was from my friend Karen, who is BJ's braillist at school. She says that he will be receiving two rounds of chemo, and has already begun the first round. They are apparently going to be very aggressive in treatment.

BJ is a bright, energetic nine year old boy who charms everyone he meets. He is one of the most loving, friendly, adorable kids I've ever known. I know that his prognosis is not a foregone conclusion, but I can't help imagining the possibilities.

I can only hope that his family have the strength left, after everything else they've gone through recently, to handle everything that will be coming their way.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Poetry Train


Insidious, it beats against me,
Drawing me into its darkness.
Against all rational thought-
The realities cannot survive the imagination.
It crawls through my consciousness
Pulsing through my bloodstream
A tingling in my hands and feet
Centering in my chest, a weight against my heart
Even as I know it is nothing but fear;
The worst I can imagine,
Not really happening,
Just swirling like the thickest fog
Sucking me in
Making me doubt myself and that I know to be truth.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Poetry Train

i'm sort of wussing out, and instead of making my brain work on a new poem, i'm posting a portion of a WIP.

Nightingales (working title)

Patrick had spent the afternoon wandering the small town of Wayne’s Trace. He’d found a decent motel and a quaint little diner to eat his dinner. To kill some more time, he’d nursed a last cup of coffee until the sun was near to setting. Perhaps he should’ve passed on the caffeine, as his nerves were pulled taught. He was pretty sure that if he looked, he’d find a fine tremor in his hands. Instead, he concentrated on the winding road that led him back to Nightingale Farms.

As he pulled into the lane, he admired the farm. The fences were obviously well mended, and the buildings he saw were also well-maintained. There were several horses in various paddocks as he made his way toward the house. Patrick once again was struck by the oddity of this innocent looking white clapboard house being the home of a vampire. The well-maintained grounds and well-kept landscaping seemed to belie the nature of its occupant. Of course, having never met a vampire before, who was he to judge?

He pulled the truck into the spot he’d occupied earlier. The place seemed deserted. Even the barn, which had been bustling with activity earlier, was quiet now. Patrick got out of the truck, unsure of where he should go. Then he saw the woman he’s spoken with standing on the wide porch surrounding the house. He moved toward her.

As he came up the steps, she smiled. “I wasn’t sure if you’d return. I didn’t even introduce myself when you were here. I’m Mia Moore.” She held out one small, seemingly delicate hand. As he grasped it, he realized how much strength she had hidden in her small, trim body.

“I’m Patrick Finnerty. It’s a pleasure.”

“I’m happy to meet you, Mr. Finnerty.”

“Please, call me Patrick.” How ordinary this all was.

Mia gestured toward the furniture grouped in front of the large picture window. “So, Patrick, would you care to tell me why you’re here?”

Patrick settled in a rocking chair. He took a deep breath, listening for a moment to the sounds of the farm settling for the coming night.

“I met a woman in Florida, Jeannette. She’s a voodoo priestess. I was consulting her on a cure for my wife.” Mia’s eyes seemed to draw the truth from him. It sounded so silly, searching a cure from a voodoo priestess. Surely no rational being would do that?

Mia watched him quietly, waiting for him to continue.

“Barbara, my wife, has Alzheimer’s. I’ve taken her to the best doctors I could find. And…there’s really nothing that can be done. Well, we’ve done everything that’s available, but none of it really works. It doesn’t stop the damn disease.” He looked down at his hands, clenched tightly in his lap. He stared at them for a moment, wondering when they’d become the hands of an old man. He was….how old? Oh, God…was his memory going too? Sixty-two…you’re sixty two you old fool. God only knew, he felt much older. This endless quest had taken its toll on him.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Songs I Love:

1) Sunshine on Leith by the Proclaimers
2) Yellow Bedletter by Pearl Jam
3) Make it with You by Bread
4) Dancing Queen by Abba
5) Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce
6) Wild World by Cat Stevens
7) Killer Queen by Queen
8) Edible by Gran Bel Fisher
9) It's Not Over by Daughtry
10) Summerhouse by Better Than Ezra
11) Wash by Pearl Jam
12) Glycerine by Bush
13) Dont Let the Sun Go Down on Me by Elton John

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Deaf Performing Artist Network Video

This is a very cool video someone sent me. It is done by members of the Deaf Performing Artist Network, set to John Mayer's song "Waiting on the World" This is just a marvelously done video, with an important message. Watch, think, enjoy.

DPN Video

Monday, July 16, 2007

Poetry Train/Manic Monday

I've been so caught up in gradschool that i havent been posting on here, or participating in the poetry train. i decided to give myself a few minutes to play, and post.

today is my mother's 82nd birthday. WOOOOOOOOT MAMA!!! :) in honor, i wrote this for her. a little background; my brother, sister and i are adopted. while getting a physical to prepare for her honeymoon abroad, the doctor discovered my mother had a uteran tumor. so, instead of leaving on her honeymoon the day after her wedding, she was admitted to the hospital and the day after, had a hysterectomy. can you imagine that sort of trauma during what is supposed to be the happiest time of your life? but she and my father had an amazing kind of love, and my father was the most accepting of people. when told they'd never have children, he said, "Well, of course we will. We'll just adopt." And that was the end of that.
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So, here is my poem to celebrate my amazing mother, her courage, love, and life.

Life's veins

Love is thicker than water
For that runs quickly and clearly through streams
And blood means nothing as it runs through veins.
Water and blood sustain life.
But love nourishes the soul
For it is love that connects people
Man to woman, parent to child.
No need to look to blood for reason.
Love knows not the bounds of gene and cell.
It binds the heart and connects the soul
One to the other,
A stream carrying us all through life's veins.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Lets Do the Time Warp Again.....

This was a piece I had to write recently for a class I was taking. Its a personal narrative about my misspent youth.I think it turned out pretty well.

The Time Warp

Recently, I was instant messaging with a group of friends. My friend Darrie announced that he was once again a brunette, having been blonde for some time now. I commented that the last picture I’d seen of him had involved pink hair. In mock outrage, Darrie contradicted me. “It was magenta, I’ll have you know.” That sparked a memory of the character Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show. With a laugh, I broke into a round of, “Let’s do the time warp again…..” which is the refrain from the movie’s signature song, “The Time Warp.” Darrie immediately recognized the lyrics and exclaimed, “Lu, I love that movie.” We were off, quoting the song and movie, though Darrie was infinitely more adept at it than I. I’ve not seen the movie for years. But the conversation took me back to the first time I’d ever seen it.

I was sixteen, and attended a private girls’ school about a 45 minute drive from my home. I resented the drive, the isolation of where I lived, and the uniforms I was forced to wear; pretty much the entire experience. So I did what most malcontent teens do. I practiced passive aggressive guerrilla warfare. I cut my hair in what would now be referred to as a mullet, but was in those days called a Butch. The sides were shaved, the top was about an inch high and kept spiked, and the back portion was longer, down past my shoulders. I wore what was referred to as punk makeup, too. It consisted of electric colored eye shadow, heavy eyeliner and gobs of thick black mascara. This was complimented by streaks of hot pink blush across my cheek bones. It was, after all, the 80’s, and it was a popular look: everywhere except convent girls’ preparatory schools. My passive aggression didn’t limit itself to my hair and makeup. My left ear had seven piercings, my right ear had four. I wore one earring that reached down to my left shoulder, and an assortment of colored studs and hoops in the other holes. My clothes were outrageous as well. Needless to say I drew a lot of attention in those days. But it was my look and I wore it proudly.

I was also rebellious in my behavior, though I tended more towards the sneaking around than the outright defiance. So, when my girlfriend, Lucia suggested we go to see Rocky Horror Picture Show, I was all for it. The only theater showing it in Cincinnati was downtown, on the Skywalk, in a less than desirable section of town. And it was only shown at midnight. My parents, had they known, would have absolutely forbidden the adventure. Lucia’s mother was a lot more lenient. And of course, being teenagers, we took full advantage of that leniency.

Lucia’s mother dropped us off at the nearest entrance to the Skywalk, an elevated walkway connecting stores, theaters and restaurants. In those days, it ran around the perimeter of the Cincinnati business district. It was always crowded with people who wanted to avoid walking on the streets. Lucia and I, done up in our punk attire, made our way to the theater, excited about seeing the movie for the first time. We had heard enough about it from friends to have some idea of what was going to go on. We had come prepared with toast and rice to throw at the wedding scene, water guns for the rain scene, and various other trappings we’d been told were necessary for the full viewing experience.

What we weren’t prepared for was the costumes. The majority of people there were regular viewers. They came dressed as Frank N. Furter, Riff Raff, Magenta, even Janet and Brad. They looked at us, and exclaimed, “Love your costume! But, who are you?” To this day I laugh at that. Ever cheeky I replied, “Just me.” Perplexed, they couldn’t remember that character in the movie.

It was such a strange experience for me. I wasn’t quite sure how to deal with the fact that I was being accepted for my outrageous dress and behavior. Only, I was being accepted for the wrong reasons. My acceptance was based on a total misconception. It made me feel like an imposter, really. I was afraid that people thought I was trying to fit in, and had dressed that way to do so, even though I had obviously gotten it wrong. I didn’t match a single character in the film. Once again, I felt uncomfortable as a result of my attire, but in a whole new way.
Its odd how often that incident, 25 years later, comes to mind. I think about how odd a place I was in, emotionally, at that age. I wanted to be accepted, and yet I dressed and acted in a manner that pretty much guaranteed I wouldn’t be accepted, at least by those I typically came into contact with. Yet, that one magical night when I was embraced by a portion of the fringe of society, I resisted, feeling an imposter. I wanted that acceptance to be true and honest, not a mistake.

That incident comes to mind, I suppose, because even as an adult, I have those conflicted feelings. I want to be accepted, but by those who really understand me. I don’t want to change myself to fit in, but I don’t want to fit in because I’m perceived to be something other than what I am. When asked, “Who are you?”, as I was all those years ago, I want to answer honestly, “Just me.”

Monday, July 2, 2007

Manic Monday

i need to be free of

the tangle of my mind
the ache in my back
the list of chores on my desk
the incessant whine of the children
the dreams that taunt me with things i'll never be
the love that will never be returned
the guilt that it is i that cannot love

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

I've been tagged by here goes!

Here are the rules:

1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

8 Random Facts/Habits About Me:
1. I'm adopted.
2. I love escargo, artichokes, and raw oysters.
3. My bellybutton freaks me out.
4. I have Barney Rubble feet....they look just like his, really.
5. My favorite color is green, any shade.
6. I love all watersports.....especially kayaking.
7. I am terrified of locked spaces.
8. I have a secret crush on Stephen Hawking :)

now to find 8 blogging buddies to tag, darnit lol i may have to come back round and add them when i figure out who i'm tagging.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Manic Monday

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Manic Monday/Poetry Train

Ode to My Computer Friends

I sit for hours on this computer chair,
Typing here, typing there,
Sending words across the wire,
To city, hill, dale, and shire,
Keeping in touch with all I know,
Talking bout my favorite show
Or whats happened here at home,
Or abroad when I get to roam.
I tell my silly stories in poetry and prose,
Bout how my day started or how it will close.
I write the things that are in my head,
Wondering if they'll be read,
Making aquaintances, contacts and friends
Just by typing and hitting "Send"

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Poetry Train

Mirror, Mirror

As I look in the mirror,
I wonder who that is staring back
That woman with the grey at her temples,
And the fine lines around her eyes and mouth.
Her eyes are green like mine,
But I wonder what is in her soul
That indefinable place that makes her, Her.
Who is that staring back at me?
That near stranger
Whose thoughts I try to escape,
Whose dreams keep me awake at night,
Whose hopes drive me,
Whose fears turn me inside out.
Who is that staring back at me,
From the eyeless soul in the mirror?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things About Art

1. i hate picasso...i just don't get it.
2. ruben had the right idea about women...theyre meant to be full figured and curvy, not a popsicle stick.
3. so what if georgia o'keefe's flowers are really female genitalia...that should be considered a beautiful body part.
4. i never see what anyone finds attractive about the mona lisa. she's jaundiced and needs a better hairdo.
5. art is anything that doesnt make you want to mow it over, paint it black, or send it to space on an exploratory UFO.
6. your art might be someone else's recycling materials.
7. beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. not everyone likes all eras, mediums, styles, etc. and thats why there's variety, and ITS the spice of life. :)
8. pencil drawings are my fave thing to do...i find them very relaxing, and a great way to de-stress.
9. Andrew Wyeth created some lovely pictures of both people and landscapes.
10. Arthur Rackham is an amazing painter. his illustrations of children's books are truly beautiful.
11. everyone is an artist; we just have different mediums...some of us are artists of people, bringing folks together and creating "social art"; others use traditional mediums.
12. all children should have art classes...everyone needs to draw, color, paint, explore.
and finally:
13. art is not just a skill you were born and ability, like anything, are developed through use and practice. so, go be artsy! :)

more from my twisted mind

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Poetry Train/ Manic Monday

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You walked out, in line with your classmates,
Your red graduate's gown flowing as you moved.
And you were so handsome, a young man,
Not really my baby anymore.
Your shoulders were back with pride,
Your stride mature and dignified.
Then you saw me, and stretched out that big, gentle hand.
I placed my smaller hand in yours, and we walked together
Side by side, in view of all there,
But you weren't ashamed of walking with your mother.
You stopped in front of my aisle, and leaned over,
Kissing my forehead, and murmuring,
"I love you mommy." And I cried.
My tears streamed down my face
As I tried to find my place with the family.
And I realized, they were all crying too,
Out of love, and pride, of the man you have become.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

All grown up

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Today is Em's day!!!! YAY!!! Yes, I'm totally freaked out that my oldest is graduating from high school......I can NOT believe he's old enough, really. This is a pic of both of my kids, David Emmitt and Ann. He mostly goes by David, but "Em" has always been my special name for him. He's a bright, wonderful young man who makes all those around him smile....even as they're reaching for a blunt object to beat him with. lol. He's stubborn (hmmm family trait???) determined and knows what he wants in life. His goal is to graduate from Culinary School and get a job working in one of Emeril's restaurants. Emeril is one of his culinary role models, and Em would like to someday own his own restaurant and have a cooking show on the Food Network. He certainly has the personality for it. His sister says that he doesn't get in trouble half as often as she does because he charms his way out of it, or gets me laughing so hard I forget I was angry at him. Hmmmmm, she may be right.

So, I'll spend the day traumatized that my baby is graduating. And, I'll probably shed a few tears tonight, as well.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

i'm feeling like a squashed tomato.........

cause i've gotta play catch-up. :) lol........bad pun, i know. sooooo, deep breath, and here i go....

Monday, as you might have noticed, was my wedding anniversary. We celebrated nineteen years of marriage......YAY! Has it all been perfect??? Hell, no! But that's what makes it even sweeter; we've weathered the rough spots and have come out stronger and happier for them. Tonight, we finally got the opportunity to go to dinner and celebrate. Mmmmmmmm SEAFOOD! I stuffed myself silly on crab legs, which are my ultimate fave food, really. It was nice to sit with my husband and son and daughter and enjoy a wonderful meal together.

Tomorrow, my son, Em, graduates from high school. Technically, he'll graduate twice; tomorrow night from his Culinary Arts program at the local Joint Vocational School, and then again a week from Sunday from his home school. Em hasn't been one of the top students in his class, academically.....but we're still enormously proud of him. He's struggled with several things throught his life, and has succeeded in spite of these issues. Two weeks before his second birthday, Em was hit by a car. He suffered multiple skull fractures, including a depression against his optic nerve, and a fracture on his temple that resulted in a subdural hematoma on the temperal lobe, which had to be surgically removed the night of the accident. He also had a fracture of the femur, and had to be in a body cast for six weeks. Needless to say, these were tough things for a two-year old to tolerate. And, the results were long-lasting. Em was later diagnosed with a non-verbal learning disability. This makes it difficult for him to absorb information from things that he reads; he does much better if the information is aural. This has created some real challenges in his educational career, as you can imagine. But, tomorrow, he graduates from high school. And in the fall, he will begin college in a local culinary school. We're so very proud of him, for reaching for his goals, and for all of his accomplishments.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Poetry Train


today, nineteen years we held hands,
the priest wrapping
our two nervous, sweaty palms,
binding us to show that
"what god hath joined together,
no man can put assunder"
and we said our vows
silly things going on around us
bees buzzing
planes roaring
glasses breaking
and yet, we were
wrapped up in each other
as our hands were bound
in the priest's stole
and we knew then, as we know today
nineteen years later
that we, together, were meant to be
and so, beloved, today we begin
nineteen more.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007


all of the artwork on here is my own, unless stated otherwise. the one i have up now is a drawing of my own right hand, done in pencil. once i uploaded it to the computer, i played around with effects, and did this one in the negative. i like it this way. man, i really need a manicure..........


when i knew
i was aware
when i loved
i cherished
when i spoke
i meant it
when i lied
i thought it best
when i left
i knew it was time
when i prayed
i had nothing left
when i wrote
i made sense of it all
when i drew
i made things beautiful
when i cried
i let go
when i stopped
i was at the end

Monday, May 14, 2007

Poetry Train

I just discovered the Poetry Train by following the trail from TA Chase's blog onto Rhian's and so forth and so on. So, I'm hopping on. I'm also cheating, and moving a post from yesterday to today. :) So, I'm lazy LOL. here it is:

Candy Bar

i lie abandoned
like the candy bar forgotten
at the bottom of the bag
broken and crumbling
leaving pieces of myself behind
for you to brush away
carelessly as you go

i wrote that a few weeks ago after a crappy day, and when i reached into my purse, i found a broken, half-melted Butterfinger i'd bought as a treat to myself, then shoved in my purse and forgotten. it just seemed to sum up how i felt that day. and the poem wrote itself as a result.

Manic Monday

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the color of calm,
softly blowing under a blue sky,
redolent with sunshine, fragrant with growth,
alive with the buzzing of bees.

the color of stagnation,
skimming across the dark depths,
obscuring a slimy, slithering world beneath,
heating and stinking under the blazing sun.

the color of jealousy,
always in the eyes, a mad monster,
thickening the blood, inciting anger,
stirring the basest of desires.

the color of greed,
paper tinted green, adorned with dead presidents,
driving people to do more, have more, want more
need more, spend more, get more.

the color of the earth,
a symbol of our attempt to do more,
to waste less, to leave the world better than we found it,
a promise to the future generations that it is calm,
and not stagnation, or jealousy or greed
that we leave as our legacy.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

a challenge..........

some of my friends started throwing out topics for poems and stories. one, who shall remain nameless (cough::Blue::cough) threw out wine, chocolate pie, and nipple rings. being the smartass that i am, i decided to write a limerick including all three:

we went out to dine
and had some fine wine
and soon we began to sing
our wine we did triple
i soon showed my nipple
which sported a cute little ring
that brought a hot guy,
bearing chocolate pie
who wanted to have a quick fling.
i said, you are fine,
you wanna be mine?
let me show you my kinky swing.
so let us have wine
when we go out to dine
and soon we will want to sing.

As I Drive

As I drive
I wonder idly
even as I wander idly,
What thoughts occupy the minds of other drivers
who mildly wander,
and wonder mildly
As we careen down the interstate wildly..

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dark Chocolate

A lick, a nibble,
The sensation melting on my tongue
I savor it, wanting it to last,
Like a slow, deep kiss,
The flavor of a lover,
Darkly erotic, addictive
Creating an insatiable craving.
Another kiss, another taste.
A lick, a nibble,
Along my lover's body,
His essence like chocolate
Melting on my tongue
Soothing my need,
Arousing my desire.


her hands, encircled
his binding
her wrists, delicate
his strong
her breasts, aching
his enticing
her hips, seeking
his mastering
her legs, entreating
his subduing
her body, needing
his giving

Friday, May 11, 2007

Bus Ride

A glance, casual, a quick connection
An introduction between two unknowns
From under lashes, long, curled
Eyes alight with interest
Breath hitching in that way
So primal, signalling the need
Between two of the species
Bodies shifting, back arching,
Head tilting, flirtatious curving
Spine straightening, shoulders pulling
Advantageous arrangement
Showing one to the other
An advertisement of desire
Lips moistened, curling, bowing
A smile, slight, enticing
Regret, a darting of the eyes
Over shoulder, wistful , entreating
Destination reached, and one
Unmet, unfamiliar still
Moves on..


the fierce pounding of my heart
echoes the rhythm of our recent endeavor
thundering through my body
stirring the momentum of my passion
a restless vortex beneath my skin
i watch the gentle movement
of his body in time to
the rasp of his breath
against the quiet of the room
my hand sweeps along
the contour of his flesh
exploring slowly
the line that marks
where hip
meets thigh
as my body eases

A Bend of the Knee

i'm a creative person: i draw and write, among other things. so, i've decided to post some of my stories and poems on here. warning: they are adult content. they are definitely erotica, so if you're uncomfortable with mature content, GO AWAY NOW! LOL

here's the first one:

A Bend of the Knee

I took a breath, knowing what, or who lay on the other side of that curtain. I shed my shorts and undies, wearing only a loose tank-top that came down to my thighs. I knew Alex lay there, just barely hidden by that curtain. What I wasnt sure of was whether he wanted me the way I wanted him. Deciding I could play it either way, friends sharing a place of rest, or lovers sharing the night, I pushed aside the curtain and crawled onto the bed beside him.

Alex rolled toward me as I invaded his space. His hand came up to cradle his face, the light from the window reflecting off the water making wavering patterns across his features.

"Hey, you", his voice was sleepy and slow. There was no surprise in his low rasp.
"Hey.... I didn't see the point of sleeping by myself tonight."
He lifted the sheet in response. As I laid down, his arm stretched out to cradle my head and shoulders. I snuggled into his warmth. I love to cuddle. My hand found its spot on his hip.

With a laugh in his voice he said, "You know I sleep nude, right?" Oh yeah, I knew, but that sweet ass in my hand was definite proof.

"Naked is good." Was my voice always that husky???

He leaned in and nuzzled my neck, his free hand running under my tee, finding my bare ass. "Yeah....will you let me play?" He pushed the tee up, invitingly.

With barely a second thought, I pulled away, and the shirt was gone, both of us pulling. I didnt trust myself not to babble, so I said nothing, knowing that shedding the shirt was a definite, "YES"

He leaned back, the sheet low around our waists, his hand smoothing down from my shoulder to my hip. I knew I was blushing, wondered if he could feel the heat of it under my tan. This man was beautiful, and I was so self-concious. I couldn't have done this in the light of day. He leaned in again, and nuzzled my face, little licks and kisses along my mouth. My tongue darted out to taste him, catching his flavor on the tip, pulling in to savor it. My hand caressed his cheek lightly, running back into the curls that facinated me, drawing him down for a deeper kiss. mmmmmmm.

This was amazing. I'd fantasized about being with him for so long. But, my insecurity wouldnt let me lie back and enjoy his attention. I came up to meet his kiss, and maneuvered him onto his back, moving from his mouth to his chin, then neck, as he relaxed against the sheets. I sat back on my heels, enjoying the sight of him nestled there. I knew this was one night, my only chance with him. And I'd often thought of what I would do with that opportunity.

I moved back on the bed, scooting between his feet. Pushing the sheet aside, I picked up his left foot, and cradling it gently in my hands, I looked at him once before I started on living the fantasy I'd been nurturing. I could see the question and anticipation mixed in his expression. With a slight smile, I licked gently along the protusion of his ankle bone, following the contour of his calf, mixing little stinging nips with the kisses and the laving of my tongue. His moan told me that he appreciated the attention. When I got to his knee, I shifted so that I was lying between his thighs, my mouth turned up against that spot where the leg bends. My tongue darted out, tasting his skin, teasing that delicate spot no other lover had thought to explore.

......and she decided Alex was plummeting towards ecstacy just a little too quickly. I pulled back til just the plump tip of him was still in my mouth. I relished the flavor of him, swathing him with my tongue and pulling hard. "God, Lisa." I looked up to see him, his shoulders curled up from the mattress, his eyes glazed with lust, and amazement. I'm pretty sure I'd surpassed all of his expectations for our encounter. I held his gaze while I sucked, my hand traveling down to the base, squeezing firmly, then pulling back up to meet my mouth. We broke eye contact as he groaned and dropped his head back to the bed, and I closed my eyes, savoring my experience with this beautiful man. I pulled off of him, and lapped beneath the ridge of cock head. I needed something more. Alex wasnt the only one bursting with desire. I'd never known that giving head could be such a turn on. I'd never gotten this worked up before when blowing a guy off. I pulled myself closer to him, so that my full, aching breasts were cradling his balls. Oh yeah, that was much better.......I went back to work, lapping at his lovely cock, sucking the tip into my mouth, laving the length of him.

I framed the base of his prick and his sac with my hands flat against his skin, pushing his thighs wide, and relaxed my jaw and throat, pushing down, taking him deep. I went as far as I could manage, but wasn't able to take all of him. Pressing my tongue against the veiny ridge of him, I pulled slowly back, sucking for all I was worth. I felt his back arch, his feet planted firmly in the mattress, his fist bunching in my hair, the breath hissing out of him as he began to pulse and jerk in my mouth. I swallowed as he came, savoring his flavor, mentally cataloguing it against my previous experiences. He was gasping for air, his sculpted chest heaving, the hand in my hair beginning to pet, running through my mass of hair in quiet, soothing gestures as I continued to lick him, bathing him clean with my tongue, nuzzling him as I went. I felt him raise his head, and looked up to meet his eyes, the shadows making it impossible to guess the color, if I hadnt already known. His hand carressed my face, and I planted a kiss in his palm. His hand on my shoulder urged me to move up to lie with him, which I did gladly. He rolled onto his side, cradling me in his arms, a hand cupping my head. He kissed me, his nose brushing against mine, his tongue teasing my lips open. Against my lips, he murmured, "Thank you...that was a fucking art form." I grinned and kissed him back. My inner Sex Goddess stretched and smiled, knowing she'd pleased him.....and waiting for him to return the favor.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

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Johnny, tell us what's behind Door Number Two...

On all those game shows, there's always an announcer who, in a great, BIG voice, calls the contestants' names, and says something like, "COME ON DOWN"........and the contestant, all excited and wiggly, runs down the studio steps, hoping not to break her neck on national TV. Then she goes through whatever silly game she's playing, and at the end is given a choice....Three doors......and she wavers, not sure which one is going to have THE PRIZE behind it. And she looks to the audience, and she looks to the host, and finally, she picks a door.........and the announcer man tells her what prizes are behind each of the doors. I figure, in life, Door Number One is Reality. Its the stuff you get every day. Door Number Two is that place that is's neither good nor bad, just doesn't bear the pressure of daily life: it's not real, and has no bearing on reality. Door Number Three, always the last door, hides all the uncertainties of life. Its the door used to keep all the unpleasant stuff at bay.

Door Number One, real life can be tough. Fun, but full of stress and crap and deadlines and pressure and love and anger and dreams and fantasies......the whole gamut of emotions and experiences, if you're very lucky.

Door Number Two is the place you escape from all those realities. It's the place you unwind, shoot the shit, blab to all your friends, lie in the dewy grass under a starry sky as it fades to sunrise. Here is where you talk about all the things behind Door Number One, and all the things you're grateful to have escaped and avoided behind Door Number Three.

Door Number Three is that door that holds all the stuff you were hoping to avoid behind Door Number One. It's the unopened bills and the whining child and the teacher on the phone and the dog that is apparently NOT house broken. It's the door you're hoping to avoid.......forever.

So, you've left Door Number One behind, and you know better than to choose Door Number Three.....Welcome to Door Number Two