Wednesday, May 23, 2007

i'm feeling like a squashed tomato.........

cause i've gotta play catch-up. :) lol........bad pun, i know. sooooo, deep breath, and here i go....

Monday, as you might have noticed, was my wedding anniversary. We celebrated nineteen years of marriage......YAY! Has it all been perfect??? Hell, no! But that's what makes it even sweeter; we've weathered the rough spots and have come out stronger and happier for them. Tonight, we finally got the opportunity to go to dinner and celebrate. Mmmmmmmm SEAFOOD! I stuffed myself silly on crab legs, which are my ultimate fave food, really. It was nice to sit with my husband and son and daughter and enjoy a wonderful meal together.

Tomorrow, my son, Em, graduates from high school. Technically, he'll graduate twice; tomorrow night from his Culinary Arts program at the local Joint Vocational School, and then again a week from Sunday from his home school. Em hasn't been one of the top students in his class, academically.....but we're still enormously proud of him. He's struggled with several things throught his life, and has succeeded in spite of these issues. Two weeks before his second birthday, Em was hit by a car. He suffered multiple skull fractures, including a depression against his optic nerve, and a fracture on his temple that resulted in a subdural hematoma on the temperal lobe, which had to be surgically removed the night of the accident. He also had a fracture of the femur, and had to be in a body cast for six weeks. Needless to say, these were tough things for a two-year old to tolerate. And, the results were long-lasting. Em was later diagnosed with a non-verbal learning disability. This makes it difficult for him to absorb information from things that he reads; he does much better if the information is aural. This has created some real challenges in his educational career, as you can imagine. But, tomorrow, he graduates from high school. And in the fall, he will begin college in a local culinary school. We're so very proud of him, for reaching for his goals, and for all of his accomplishments.


Lila Dubois said...

Oh my gosh your poor baby!

But congratulations to him for doing so well! And congrats to you too mom for helping him get this far.

loopdlu said...

thank you. we're very proud of him. he's overcome so much in his life, and mostly with good humor and a sense of joy that makes all around him laugh and smile.